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Restaurant hôtel Weisshorn

Restaurant of the Hotel Weisshorn


The restaurant of the Hotel Weisshorn is the ideal place to rest after a hike and enjoy a blueberry pie with a breathtaking view of the valley.

Did you leave by mountain bike, on snow shoes or with your walking sticks? Make sure to take a break in our cosy restaurant. Whether your are a visitor or a guest staying at the hotel, treat yourself with our excellent cuisine and perfect service. Enjoy our culinary delights at the restaurant or on our sunny terrace. Open non-stop all day.

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday08:00 - 22:00
Monday - Sunday08:00 - 22:00

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Location View mapSt-Luc
Hôtel Weisshorn
Route du Toûno 10
3961 St-Luc
Contact +41 27 475 11 06
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