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Chapelle de Mission

Patronal Feast


Patronal feast of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine and book fair.

Programme :

10:00 | Mass led by the Caecilia Mixed Choir
11:00 | Aperitif on Place de la Concorde, production by the Fifres et Tambours, opening of the Book Fair
12:00 | Meal, Place de la Concorde, musical entertainment
14:30 | Signing of the book "Sur les traces de mon père" by Francine Crettaz
17:00 | Moùra tournament
from 18:30 | Grills/Sausages/Raclettes
from 20:00 |DJ ROBIN until the end of the night

Residents of the village, summer visitors, friends of Mission, welcome!

Opening hours

Saturday10:00 - 00:00
Location View mapMission
Fête Patronale de Mission
Village de Mission
3961 Mission
Contact +41 27 476 17 00


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