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Curl'charlette à la patinoire de St-Luc 2022



Curl'Charlette is a game inspired by curling, using "Charlettes" which are "cowboy stools".

The term "Curl'charlette" is a contraction of "curling" and "charlette" (cowherd's stool).

How do you play?
You can play with two or more players (maximum 6). The puck is placed as far as possible from the starting line. The aim of the game is to score the most points in 6 rounds. Each player throws the puck by the handle. Whoever hits the target scores 2 points. In case of a tie, 1 point is awarded to each player.

Depending on weather conditions. Check the opening of the rink.

Useful information

Free equipment available at the Zinal Tourist Office against deposit

Location View mapZinal
Curl'Charlette Zinal
Patinoire de Zinal
3961 Zinal
Information about the activity +41 27 476 17 05
Website(s) Check if the ice rink is open


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