First stage with a significant difference in altitude that links the village of Grimentz to the Cabane des Becs-de-Bosson, at an altitude of almost 3000m
Lona region, Lac de Moiry, Glacier de Moiry: striking scenery for this 2nd stage of the Tour des Cabanes
A very long stage, which can be shortened by using the ski lifts
At the foot of the Imperial Crown, between the Petit and Grand Mountet huts
From the Grand Mountet to the Cabane Arpitettaz, passing by the lake of Arpitettaz and its transparent water
Between the Cabane Arpitettaz and the Cabane de Tracuit, the "alpine" stage par excellence!
A pure mountain scenery to reach Zinal and end the Tour des Cabanes d'Anniviers in beauty