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Opération Géranium

Operation Geranium

The mission of the "Opération Géranium" Association is to make the village bloom again and strengthen its designation as "Grimentz, picturesque and blooming village".
A monument, a sculpture, a work of art

We need your ideas and creativity to create, at the entrance of the village, "a monument, a sculpture, a work of art" dedicated to geraniums. This would become the emblem of the Geranium Operation and encourage our visitors to explore the old village. Be bold and inventive, let your imagination run wild !

More information

The goals of the Association


The actions

Presentation flyer

Would you like to participate in the project ?


Associated Events

view the agenda

in videos

Géranium Grimentz

Geranium Operation

Schweiz aktuell, July 14, 2021

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Opération Géranium

Interview with Paul Epiney, founder of the "Geranium Operation"

Couleurs Locales, September 10, 2019

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Géranium Grimentz 2

Such a Swiss flower !

A bon entendeur, June 18, 2019

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Village de Grimentz en été

In Grimentz (VS), almost all the facades are adorned with geraniums.

Couleurs Locales, September 19, 2018

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